News and Events

Engagement meetings with Media


12-Dec-2020As part of its ongoing strategy to keep key stakeholders in Malawi briefed on the progress that it is making in the development of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) funded second Compact, the Malawi Millennium Development Trust (MMD) engaged major media outlets on December 6th in Blantyre.

Speaking during the media briefing, MMD’s CEO and National Coordinator, Dye Mawindo, informed  media outlets that the second compact will seek to resolve underlying factors that; (i) make agriculture unprofitable because of low productivity and challenges experienced by smallholder farmers in accessing markets; and (ii) constrain access to land for investment.  It is expected that over the coming year and with the support of consulting firms, MMD together with MCC will undertake a number of feasibility studies with the view to establishing the scope of the various interventions that have been proposed.

The U.S. Embassy was also on hand to share with the journalists the broad role that the U.S. Mission plays to promote improved health and human rights in the country..

The briefing was attended by 24 key media outlets in Malawi.

Regional workshops in Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre


22-Oct-2020The Millennium Development Trust (MMD carried out regional workshops in Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre on 22 October, 29 October and 5 November respectively. The workshops were carried out to update district councils on MCC’s processes of Compact development, Compact II areas of focus, current project design and progress realized todate.

The workshop further provided stakeholders an opportunity to appreciate MCC criteria for selecting implementation areas. Participants to the workshops were specifically drawn from decision making positions at district council level.

MMD on behalf of the Malawi government has just submitted to MCC two project proposal on land productivity and accelerated growth corridors.

MCC CEO Visit to Malawi


31-Jul-2019A delegation from the U.S. Government's Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sean Cairncross visited Malawi from July Reports 31 to August 4 2019.

Among many other things the MCC CEO Cairncross met senior Malawi Government officials, civil society, private-sector leaders, other donors and project beneficiaries to discuss the conclusion of Malawi's first Compact and to provide a status update on the development of the second Compact.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Workshops


22-Aug-2019The Malawi Millennium Development Trust-in collaboration with the Millennium Challenge Corporation-carried out two root cause analysis workshops in Lilongwe from 22 to 23 August 2019.

During these workshops, 35 stakeholders discussed and investigated the root causes of i) high cost of rural freight transport and barriers to farm-to-market linkages; and ii) limited access to land for investment.

The workshops further explored the role and underlying factors leading to a lack of stable macroeconomic environment in relation to each of the two binding constraints.

Constraint Analysis


15-May-2019The Malawi Millennium Development Trust in collaboration with the Millennium Challenge Corporation carried out regional review workshops to validate findings of the constraint analysis that was conducted from March to May Report 2019.

The constraints identified and discussed during the validation workshops included i) high price of road freight transport service and barriers to farms to markets linkages in rural areas, ii) difficulties encountered to access land for investment and iii) lack of a stable macroeconomic environment.

The workshops further accorded stakeholders the opportunity to appreciate the MCC compact development process that focuses on country ownership, country-led design and a focus on results. Over 365 participants were engaged during the workshops.

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